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The mask is a deep and meaningful image, whose origins in history are very difficult to trace. Some attribute religious significance to this object, while others consider masks only an entertainment attribute. But is everything so simple – let’s sort it out together.
The need to hide their appearance or to relate themselves to some other creature – this very often explains the need for the invention of the mask. Very often this is the case, but not always this attribute is so simple. This also applies to the symbol that has become so popular in the art of body painting.
It is worth disclosing the interpretation of the most popular tattoo sketches of the mask:
To apply a tattoo with the image of any mask on a certain area of the body – it is first of all exclusively your choice. But we advise you to pay attention to the size of the selected sketch. Very often such a tattoo can be seen on the wrist, foot, stomach, chest and different parts of the hand.
Linear tattoos and minimalist style tattoos can be placed even on the finger, which looks very effective. Girls prefer to apply such drawings on the collarbone or decollete area, hinting at a complex character.
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