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Among the many masculine motifs for tattoos, images of animals with a menacing appearance are particularly popular – we have combined this with the single word “grin”. Indeed, such nailings most often decorate the bodies of men, but among women, too, there are enough carriers of such a drawing. What can mean the animal grin – let’s discuss.
It is quite obvious that seeing a grinning animal is not good. Approximately the same meaning carries this tattoo. More precisely, by nabbing tattoo with the grinning mouth of the animal, a person wants to warn others that the game with him are dangerous, because you can wake up the inner beast.
There is another function of such a picture – to protect people from the negative. Also, many people who choose this format of the image of a totem animal, subconsciously want to adopt his strength, power and courage. By the way, it is the totem animals are most often depicted on such tattoos grinning, and it is worth to allocate a few of the most popular:
Most often, this motif is embodied in a realistic style, because there is a need to most accurately convey the “smile” of the beast. However, among the sketches, you can find very impressive works, performed in other styles, for example:
Animal goggles are rarely performed in the format of a compact drawing, so the nail is applied to large areas of the body. Most often, men pad such a tattoo on the chest or score a full arm (sleeve).
Women prefer to apply such a picture on the stomach or thigh area. Less often you can meet such a characteristic tattoo on the decollete area, but it looks very flamboyant.
You should not hurry either with the choice of the sketch or with the choice of places for tattoos. It is also not superfluous to consult previously with the tattoo-master – it is not bad advice.
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