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The human race has always had an irrepressible interest in the elements, attributed different properties to them and tried to correlate them with human qualities. Fiery, passionate and emotional have always been compared to the fire, probably that was the reason for the emergence of the symbol of fire in the art of tattoos. If you already have a spark of interest, then read on.
In the case of the fire symbol, then on the tattoo the image of this element is possible in two ways – as an independent tattoo or as part of a complex plot. In the beginning, fire has been associated with aggression, destructive energy, and anger. In many rituals, however, this element has been used as a source of magical power as well as a cleanser of negativity.
It is difficult to deny that the element of fire is almost impossible to control. Interpreting this meaning in a tattoo, then the drawing can indicate that a person is difficult to control. In addition, a person may choose this particular sign because of other motives. It is very important to visually convey the meaning that is invested in such a tattoo. To avoid inaccuracies, here are a few examples of variations of the image of fire for tattoos:
There is no denying that fire always fascinates and attracts – this was the main reason for the search for mystical meaning in the element. Here it is worth remembering the myth of Prometheus, who gave fire to humans. From this myth arose a very beautiful tattoo motif, which depicts a hand in a gesture of giving and fire above the palm.
Many people who are interested in esotericism dream of bending this element to their will. This desire prompted the creation of a popular tattoo motif today – a torch, candle or match. By the way, a burning match can serve as a symbol of the transience of life.
Fire is a bright concept in every sense. However, tattoos depicting only fire are extremely rare. The popularity of plot tattoos, where fire is used as one of the components, lies in the effectiveness of the drawing.
In addition to the above examples of tattoos with fire, it is worth highlighting a few more popular examples:
You should remember that even a modest flame tattoo can be a symbol of a very flamboyant person.
The most typical style of the image of fire on the tattoo is considered old-school, because in this stylistic direction this motif is treated with special awe. Very impressive realistic drawings of fire on the body, but in the monochrome version of the tattoo looks no less impressive.
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