Mandala Tattoo

Many have seen colorful, complex and varied patterns, mostly circular in shape, which reek of the exotic. These patterns are called even more exotically – Buddhist mandalas. Nowadays such pictures decorate not only the interior objects and clothes, but also you people. Is it worth looking for meaning in such tattoos – let’s sort it out.

The meaning of the mandala tattoo

For Buddhists, mandala patterns concentrate all the diversity and complexity of our world. Regarding the meaning of these circles with patterns is completely positive – some represent health, others work for success, and there are those that promise to bring complete happiness.

As a rule, the mandala tattoo carries the same message, that is, if you wish to harmonize your personality, the corresponding pattern, for example, is applied to the body. However, we consider it important to warn you – the Buddhists themselves have a negative attitude towards the tradition of tattooing their sacred signs and images, including mandalas.

The symbolism of mandalas is more diverse and complex than it seems at first glance. Buddhists are very careful about the combination of colors, shapes, central symbols and inscriptions. Originally, these symbols were considered a peculiar way of interpreting the complexities of the construction of the universe. If you want to put exactly this kind of tattoo on your body and in color, then take into account the meaning of each shade and their combinations:

  • Shades of blue and blue are protection;
  • Green – balance and harmony;
  • Red – passion and strong emotions.

Before applying the tattoo, it’s worth exploring the meaning of colors and their combinations in more detail. But monochrome tattoos with this pattern are also quite popular. And there are also white tattoos with mandalas, which looks very attractive on a woman’s body, reminiscent of a light lace.

Types of mandala tattoos

The main way to classify is the purpose of mandalas. There are those that will beautify your health or those that will work as an energizer, that is, fill you with energy. There is a very lively interest expressed in mandalas-obelievers.
Often mandala tattoos are applied to add qualities to oneself that are lacking.

For example, those women who are looking for a life partner, prefer to apply a tattoo with the mandala of love. In this type of tattoos, a kind of love mandala is created for those who are in love and those who are paired and looking for a mate.

How the mandala works

If the mandala tattoo for you is a simple decoration of the body, then the following information will not seem useful. In a completely different way it will be treated by those for whom in this pattern lies the meaning and expected result.

The key to the successful work of the tattoo-talisman is in the full acceptance of the symbol printed on the body. In addition, it is necessary to know how the symbol works and manifests itself. Most importantly, it is the belief that the mandala in the form of a tattoo works.

Where to get a mandala tattoo?

Choosing where to place depends largely on how big you want the design to be. Small mandala tattoos are traditionally placed on the forearm or wrist. There are also variations of sketches that are supposedly placed on the curve of your elbow.

Large drawings need space, so preference is given to the back, thigh or chest. Girls often place such drawings at the neckline or under the breasts, which makes the image more playful.

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