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A tattoo that symbolically describes such a high feeling as love cannot carry any other meaning. This seems quite logical and understandable, but not everything is so simple, because this very love can be different. Therefore, it is not superfluous to first explore all possible interpretations of the tattoo of love.
A tattoo that can be described by the word “love” can look in different ways – this is the first thing that needs to be understood. The most typical way to express a strong feeling is considered a tattoo in the form of an inscription. Looking for additional meanings of such a tattoo, as a rule, it is not necessary, because everything is clear. But the inscription itself does not have to be printed in a language that is understandable to everyone, because you can use Latin, Chinese or any other language.
A second popular variant of the image of love is the symbol of a heart. The symbol is quite cute, but ambiguous, because the exact interpretation depends on its appearance, the presence of additional elements and so on. It is worth citing a few examples:
There are a lot of interpretations of such a symbol, and sketches can have a variety of additional elements, which are not always decorative. Another popular symbol is a drawing that imitates the imprint of the lips, and most often it is chosen by men as a hint of their playful behavior.
A similar variation to the heart symbol is the infinity sign with the word “love”. By the way, very often this symbolism is used as a paired tattoo, who wish to testify to their strong feeling. It is worth citing a few more options:
The tattoo can not only express a strong feeling for the person, but can also be used as a talisman. The purpose of such a talisman is to promote the meeting of love. Different peoples have their own symbols that serve as such talismans. The most popular are the symbol of family bonds, the flower of Aphrodite, a certain combination of Chinese characters and so on.
Tattoos expressing love are very rarely large and complicated in terms of concept. In view of this, the tattoo can be placed on any part of the body, but there are certain unspoken traditions to draw on:
Rarely, a tattoo with this meaning is placed on the shoulder or back, the exception are drawings-talismans.
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