Lightning tattoo

Are you distinguished by a bright character or are you called a “charismatic personality”? Then you should seriously consider getting a lightning tattoo. This symbol is not as simple as it may seem at first glance, but with this we will gladly help you deal.

The meaning of the lightning tattoo

The lightning symbol was born in nature, and man only interpreted it and to this day makes attempts to explain the meaning it carries. Our ancestors came up with a variety of legends and tales, which tried to explain the features of such an amazing phenomenon.

You probably remember from the myths that very often the phenomenon of lightning was associated with the anger of the gods and a just punishment of mankind. And people who survived a lightning hit, at all times were endowed with superhuman abilities. Surely, it is the amazing nature and manifestation of lightning, which is impressive even today, was one of the main reasons why man wanted to put a symbol on his skin.

Today, the symbolism of a tattoo that depicts lightning is attributed to such interpretations:

  • Aspiration to achieve a goal;
  • Self-sufficiency;
  • Leadership;
  • Strong willpower;
  • Aiming for power;
  • An unconventional outlook on life;
  • A healthy egoism.

Places to Apply

The choice of location to place a lightning tattoo depends largely on a couple of factors – the desire of the client and the size of the sketch. We do not recommend to apply the symbolism of lightning on large areas of the body, but everything has its exceptions. These exceptions should be considered plot sketches in which in addition to the lightning there are other elements. Such a tattoo can be placed on the back, chest or thigh.

More popular are small and medium size tattoos with a lightning bolt, which can be placed on a small area of the body. Most often such tattoos can be seen on the shoulder, wrist, ankle or collarbone, but we encourage you to be creative to the fullest.

Lightning tattoo sketches

Does the lightning symbol seem too simple to you? But an artist always has a different opinion and vision on any matter, what proves the variety and quantity of tattoo sketches with a lightning.

To find a really simple lightning drawing is a rarity. The majority of sketches besides a lightning have a lot of additional elements. Among the most common are screen superheroes, animals, flowers and so on. But also the image of realistic zigzags lightning looks very impressive, especially on the male body.

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