Dreamcatcher tattoo

It is hardly possible to find a more atypical version of a tattoo than the image of a dream catcher. By the way, not everyone is aware of the purpose of the interesting-looking object, which is more and more often used to decorate the room. We will reveal to you a huge secret – this circle with feather patterns is a talisman for a sleeping person. Next, you will learn why this talisman came to be used as a tattoo motif.

The meaning of the dream catcher tattoo

The dream catcher tattoo retains its main purpose, that is, a guardian against bad dreams. This is the meaning they had in different Native American peoples. To the protective properties of the symbol, modernity has added such:

  • The ability to protect against the effects of evil spirits or negativity coming from people;
  • Constant presence of thought attitudes in the wearer;
  • Assists the human mind to make the right decisions, as well as to remain calm;
  • Gives confidence when dealing with important life events;
  • Positively attunes a person.

Many believe that the sign of the dream catcher is able to endow the wearer with power and unlimited energy. But most people who apply such a tattoo simply want to emphasize their interest in Native American culture.

The meaning of the dream catcher tattoo, as before the amulet itself, can be complemented by other elements. Very often it is possible to find sketches of such tattoos, on which there are images of precious stones, totem animals or plants. It is worth a few examples of subjects and their interpretations:

  • Dreamcatcher and rosebuds – a symbol of purity of pure love;
  • An owl in the form of an amulet is a strong amulet that protects the wearer from all bad things;
  • If there are deer antlers or the animal itself on the amulet, such a tattoo implies the wisdom of the person;
  • The dream catcher and the horseshoe is a good luck charm.
    There are many such variations, but you can always look for your variations of the image.

Meaning for men and women

The dream catcher tattoo can be applied to any client, gender or occupation does not play a role. However, the interpretation may vary slightly, but in most cases the meaning is identical.

Many believe that such a tattoo looks more organic on a woman’s body. In particular, this applies to those sketches that depict ornate feathers and lace on the talisman. On the female tattoo, in addition to the dream catcher in the picture can be present flowers, dolls, branches, jewelry and hearts.

As for the male tattoo, the additional elements are not characteristic for such dream catchers drawings. The only exceptions are sketches with totem animals and weapons.

Dream catcher tattoo styles

Such a tattoo can be made in the most different style, and at the same time look very spectacular. But we advise you to evaluate the sketches in such styles:

  • Watercolor;
  • Polynesia;
  • Tribal;
  • Ornamental;
  • New Tradition.

Places to apply

Dreamcatcher symbolism is also quite versatile in terms of choosing a location to apply. The drawing can be small or large-scale, complex or ingeniously simple – the choice is yours.

We advise to place a tattoo on your shoulder, forearm or hand – this will make your image more vivid. If you want to make a tattoo of a dream catcher on a larger area of the body, you should use the back, thigh or the front of the torso.

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