Barbed wire tattoo

An abundance of prejudice and suspicion is almost a complete characteristic of the barbed wire tattoo. However, this has not made this subject very popular among fans of the art of tattooing of both sexes. In order for you not to have a mistaken opinion about such a tattoo, we will tell you the symbolism and other features of the barbed wire tattoo.

The meaning of the barbed wire tattoo

Initially, in the art of body painting in relation to barbed wire was a common explanation – the barbed wire represents the life of the prisoner behind bars, and the number of coils is commensurate with the number of years spent in prison. The modern worldview has somewhat changed the attitude of many to this drawing. Barbed wire is often applied to their bodies by those who:

  • Identifies themselves with various strands of rock music;
  • Declares a protest to society in this way;
  • Marks certain events in their lives in this way.

However, most people apply the image of barbed wire solely because of its external appeal. Sometimes it is possible to meet an interpretation of such a tattoo as a person reaching adulthood and alienation from the parental home. In such cases, the barb is depicted in combination with a dove or other additional elements.

It is worth highlighting a few more typical elements that can accompany the image of barbed wire. Very often on the sketches you can notice the figure of the heart, the drawing of cuts, skulls, flowers or vines.

Styles of barbed wire tattoo

The most popular barbed wire tattoo sketches are considered to be in such styles:

  • Blackwork;
  • Realism;
  • Dotwork;
  • Tribal;
  • Linework and others.

However, you should appreciate other styles that will give you a different perspective on the barbed wire ata.

Application Locations

The choice of location for the tattoo very often changes the meaning of the symbol, but this does not apply to the image of barbed wire. But there are some of the most typical places to place such a tattoo. For example, very often such drawings are applied on the arm, shoulder, thigh or chest. However, you can be original when choosing the location for your tattoo.