Ankh Tattoo

Do you want to put a tattoo on your body with incredibly deep meaning and a great story? Then we advise you to consider a tattoo in the form of an Egyptian symbol called Ankh. You will find the main details below.

The meaning of the ankh tattoo

If you have had the fortune to see historical treasures from Egypt in the times of the pharaohs, you probably noticed that many gods and rulers themselves hold a sign in their hands – this is the Ankh. Let’s say, going into detail – this symbol is the key to eternity. Today this sign is often referred to as the Egyptian cross. Additionally, it carries other meanings:

  • Divine Authority;
  • Wisdom;
  • Immortality;
  • The connection of the elements in nature.

Some sources define the Ankh as a symbol of femininity. However, we have understood the mythology of the Egyptians, who put in this sign a slightly different meaning. According to the beliefs of the Egyptians, Ankh means the union of life and immortality. The deciphering of this sign speaks of the unity of the goddess Isis (the upper loop) with Osiris (the lower part in the form of a cross). In modern times to the above meanings should be added this one:

  • The subculture of the ready invests in this symbol its own belief in mysticism and a great attraction to it;
  • Some put their own flexibility of character into this symbol;
  • The knowledge of truth, which is rooted in the symbolism of the Ankh, as a sign of the wisdom of the ancients.

However most often in tattoo Ankh not put any deep meaning, as it is applied as a sign of fascination of culture of Ancient Egypt. In reality, such a tattoo, qualitatively and originally designed, looks like a decoration, which can be more than enough for you.

Ankh tattoo styles

Most often, it is preferred to perform the Ankh tattoo in a monochrome version, using stylization as a graphic or engraving. It is possible to meet the Ankh key and in a cardinally different style of performance, in particular a compositional combination with other images (for example, the god Anubis or the scarab beetle).

Works in the style of realism and old-school stand out in particular. You can’t ignore works that are done entirely according to new-school rules. And if you want to make your Ankh tattoo unique, we advise you to evaluate examples of sketches in 3D.

Tattoo locations

The main advantage of the Ankh tattoo is the possibility of drawing on almost any part of the body. In this case you can make your tattoo almost invisible or on the contrary – noticeable and eye-catching due to the openness of the location.

We will note a few places on the body, on which most often this tattoo is applied:

  • Different areas of the hand – from an inconspicuous drawing on the finger to the maximum filled with composition with Ankh sleeve;
  • Leg – the best place for such a tattoo looks like on an ankle, a calf or on the side of a hip;
  • The back – most often the shoulder blade area is selected for a tattoo;
  • The front of the torso – for example, the Ankh key can be placed in the center of the chest or on the stomach;
  • Neck – the tattoo can be placed on the back below the hairline or under the ear on a visible part of the neck.

To summarize the section – you are not limited in the choice of location of the tattoo with the image of Ankh.