Parrot tattoo

A parrot tattoo, like a live bird, is very bright and extraordinary. In all countries and at all times these birds were valuable because they emphasized the special status and wealth of their owners. However, not only this influenced the interpretation of this tattoo motif.

Interpretation of the pattern

In addition to the bright appearance and exotic origin, the parrot is considered a very intelligent bird, as some species are able to reproduce human speech. To score such a tattoo is a brave thing to do. At the expense of this, it can be assumed that the person somehow compares himself to this bird.

The interpretation of the image of the parrot as a tattoo motif is quite versatile and ambiguous. Today, the parrot is considered a symbol of such concepts:

  • An easy character;
  • Craving for fun;
  • Non-seriousness;
  • Light-mindedness;
  • Orality, up to and including talkativeness;
  • Ability to amuse others;
  • Good memory;
  • A carefree attitude towards life.

As you can see, the interpretation of the parrot symbol is not entirely positive. For those who have chosen such a sketch for a tattoo, the title “pro-lifers” has been entrenched. Also, such a tattoo can hint at the narcissism of the person – remember how cute birds like to look in the mirror. However, more often than not, those who choose such a tattoo are based on the aesthetics of the figure.

Quite often the parrot on the tattoo is used as a supplement to the composition, on which there are also other elements. It is not uncommon to find exotic flowers or the image of a pirate on a tattoo. Remember that if you change the composition, the interpretation of the tattoo may change. One more point – choose carefully the sketch of the future tattoo and think about the location of the figure on the body.