Chicano style in tattoos

The chicano style tattoo is one of the most recognizable. They first appeared in Latin American culture and quickly spread around the world. Historically, this trend is associated with gangster groups, but now these sketches are common body ornaments. There are no bright colors, but the tattoos are still memorable and catchy.

History of the style

The meaning of the word “chicano” is not known for certain, but many experts argue that it is a variant of the “converted” mexicano. It is known that this was the name of the Latin Americans who settled in the United States between the 16th and 19th centuries. After the war between the United States and Mexico, as we know, part of Mexico, along with 50,000 inhabitants, decided to go to the side that won the battle. Deeply devout Catholics found themselves in a very hostile environment, and they saw no prospect for development. Integration into society was impossible because of the language barrier and the color of their skin. To survive, people quite often gathered in gangs, committed crimes, and their distinctive features were exactly the tattoos. But they weren’t always symbols of what gang members stood for. Some people made tattoos of amulets, and some chose religious images to convey moral principles and their culture.

Main Features

Mostly drawings in this style are performed in black. They are distinguished by clear contours. Directly for chicano are characterized by inscriptions that consist of only one word or small phrases.
Develop sketches chicano tattoo should be experienced professionals who know all the features of this technique. It is desirable that they specialize in the futility of earthly life, darkness and gloom. This is the direction in which the sketches are made.
The main subject line of this style is Catholicism. Due to the fact that tattoo artists use black colors and various shades of gray, the drawings turn out volumetric, very realistic and they can contain various small details. The modern Chicano style actively uses bright colors, but it is worth noting that the images are mostly monochrome.

Plots of this style

The main subject for this style is religion. Choose portraits of Christ, the Virgin Mary, St. Lucas. If you go deeper into this direction, it can be noted that people often stuff themselves with folded hands in prayer, crosses, rosaries. Various inscriptions are also popular. These can be quotes, dates, words, names.
One offshoot of this style is “gangster” motifs. They can include drugs, weapons, bills, playing cards. Santa Muerte is often used in modern Chicano tattoos. It is an image of the saint of death. The woman is decorated with skulls and ornaments. If we consider the aesthetics of mere female portraits, rather than goddesses, it is usually stuffed with young and very provocative ladies who hold a mask, weapons or are dressed quite frankly.

Who is suitable for whom chicano?

Chicano style tattoos are usually chosen by men. They make a “sleeve” or stuff the original sketch on the chest, back, forearms. In our country, the religious direction is not so popular, so mostly customers choose skulls or portraits of girls. However, it is worth immediately paying attention to the fact that there are no bans and restrictions in body art. The tattoo can look good on the body of a woman. The main thing successfully pick up a picture.