The character of the lynx is surrounded by superstitions, because thanks to its good eyesight, hearing and sense of smell, the beast often manages to bypass any traps. The tattoo with this image represents the ability to prevent difficulties, readiness to rush into battle.

What does the lynx tattoo mean?
This symbol means that the person prefers solitude, cautious in behavior, secretive, will only let himself close to people close to him. In this case, the owner of the tattoo is ready to protect the offended and the weak, considers it a fair and necessary task.
The lynx tattoo is characteristic of stubborn, courageous, silent people who do not accept lies and deceit.
The meaning of the tattoo is also associated with the animal’s life in the wild. These predators create families and raise offspring together. They are rarely tamed. Therefore, the lynx tattoo is not characteristic of a person prone to changing partners.
The image on the skin of any representatives of cats indicates that the owner of the tattoo is to some extent even dangerous, capable of revenge, which he will definitely want to bring to an end.

Popular styles of lynx tattoo
The tattoo is inferior in popularity to images of other cats. More often it can be found on the body of men – women choose it even less often.
The sketch can be stylized in a traditional way, but most options are performed in the style of realism. Girls if and choose for themselves a tattoo with a lynx, then, in the main, give preference to color pictures.

Plots and combinations of lynx tattoo with other subjects
In sketches there is an image of only the muzzle of the animal, less often – his whole body. They are often combined with other subjects, creating thematic plots.
The most common of these subjects:
- Wildlife – flora (with flowers, trees, other animals);
- Geometry – lynx muzzle added or framed;
- Smoke clouds are used as a background, in color they can have a blue tint and become more like clouds.
The plot can come up with your own, or choose one of the ready-made, if you can find something that suits the idea of the future tattoo bearer. You can not worry about the fact that somewhere the picture will already be duplicated – it’s really rare, and most likely in your city, it will be unique.

Where is a lynx tattoo usually applied?
The male arm is better suited for such a tattoo, as the pictures are usually quite large. For girls, the thighs, back and forearm are good places for a lynx face tattoo. If a slender lady still wants to get a tattoo with a lynx on her arm, it is worth choosing a suitable sketch with the animal’s muzzle, depicted in profile.
The age of the bearer in this case does not matter at all – the main thing is that the picture is not exposed to strong distortions. That is why they are not made on the folds. So, the lynx is more common as a male tattoo. But modern artists have created a whole gallery of sketches, where it is easy to choose a suitable image and for women.
There is a high probability that among your acquaintances there will be no one with such themes, because this option is suitable for those who want to be unique.