The zodiac sign Taurus is, without a doubt, the most down-to-earth of all the zodiac signs. They are patient and value stability. Because of these characteristics, Tauruses are called boring and fixated. But if you have a Taurus in your life, you know that’s not true.
True, when it comes to self-expression, Tauruses are not as adventurous as Aries or Sagittarius. But they do have a unique eye for beauty. After all, this sign is ruled by Venus, the goddess of beauty and romance. Therefore, a holistic color palette, clean lines and high quality materials are important to them.
The same applies to Taurus tattoos. They may not have the most innovative patterns or vibrant colors. But they are timeless and relevant, which you won’t regret even in 50 years. If you are a Taurus, then these unique Taurus tattoos are for you.