The unprepared person may be frightened at the sight of the “Death with Scythe” tattoo. Fear of death is quite natural for members of the human race, but some fans of the tattoo often prefer this ominous image to other, less creepy ones.
Even in pagan times, our ancestors had a real cult of death. In an effort to protect themselves from its destructive breath, both young and old people took part in all kinds of rituals. Often they carried a skull or human bone – a kind of challenge “old woman with a scythe” and a reminder to yourself that one day you have to become its victim.
Death with a scythe is a symbolic image. It appeared in the fourteenth century, at the height of the bubonic plague epidemic that “killed” almost a quarter of Europe’s population. Echoes of ancient beliefs still exist today. A person who chooses a tattoo depicting death with a scythe seeks to live by his own rules and likes to take risks.
In esoteric-philosophical sense, the image of death with a scythe means rebirth and renewal. Death is a certain link in the cycle of life, and, after all, who says it is a dead end and an end?
Places to apply the slash death tattoo
The tattoo is predominantly applied to the chest or shoulder, although it is not uncommon for other parts of the body, such as the stomach and back, to be subjected to this procedure as well.
Death with a slash is depicted both in color and in black and white … Dark, cold shades are used to make up the color composition, although there are often tattoos on which the “old woman” splashes hellfire in her eyes.
Ideas and sketches of a death tattoo with a scythe