The eyes are the most delicate sense organ. Though physically sensitive, it is the most active sense of the human body, always searching for the truth.
Because nothing can hide from the all-seeing eye, it is a moral compass. After all, when people know they are being watched, they often behave in the best possible way. Those with a tattooed eye can remind themselves to do the right thing even when no one is looking.
People get an incredible amount of information from each other by looking into each other’s eyes. Some say you can look right into someone’s mind through their eyes, revealing their intelligence and telling a story. The eyes symbolize a person’s enlightened mind.
The eyes symbolize honesty. It is easier to lie under the protection of sunglasses, but looking into someone’s eyes can often reveal the truth. The traditional tattooed eye can symbolize the endless search for authenticity.
The eye is also imbued with spiritual symbolism. The windows to the soul allow a glimpse into the eternal being of another, recognizing an enlightened being in that person.